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Maajid Nawaz takes down caller who thinks women are 'weaker' than men
Maajid Nawaz takes down caller who thinks women are 'weaker' than men
Maajid Nawaz responds to caller's claims of Islamic takeover (LBC)
Maajid Nawaz slaps down caller who brings up Israel
Maajid Nawaz tears down caller who compares Soleimani to the Queen
Maajid Nawaz dismantles caller who says he is 'not British' | LBC
Maajid Nawaz's brilliantly takes down caller when he brings up Israel in debate on Iran
Radical | Maajid Nawaz | Talks at Google
Maajid Nawaz dismantles caller's claims: "We're importing problems we didn't used to have" | LBC
Saving a revolution: Maajid Nawaz at TEDxBrighton
Maajid Nawaz: Police need to focus on knife crime not "thought crime"
Maajid Nawaz accuses caller of being in "denial" about Asian grooming gangs | LBC